Pure Kynam Oil 1ml Wonderful Aroma



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Pure Kynam Oil 1ml Wonderful Aroma for sale

Pure Kynam Oil can be used as a substitute for perfume, or drink with tea and honey. It is very healthy if used regularly in the morning or when you are tired. You cannot easily buy it anywhere, because there are so many fakes, we Agarwood Spot confident that our products are 100% Pure Kynam Oil.

Region: Nha Trang, Vietnam
Class: Wild
Type: Mix

Kyara/Kynam/Kinam is a tiny subset within aloeswoods in a very very small percentage. In a historical context, it refers to a special type/grade of aloeswood with unique and excellent fragrance properties. The Chinese have a saying that one needs an accumulation of 3 lifetimes of virtues before one would have the chance of encountering real kynam, and 8 lifetimes of merit to have the chance to use and appreciate kynam. Such a saying could only suggest the rarity and precious nature of kynam.